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2019 Divisional Annual General Meeting

on Mon, 06/03/2019 - 14:41

The 2019 Annual General Meeting for the CSC Inorganic Division is scheduled for Wednesday, June 5th at the Québec City Convention Centre from 18:00-19:00 in Room 207. See you there!

La réunion générale annuelle de la Inorganic Division de la Société Canadienne de Chimie sera mercredi le 5 juin dans le salon 207 au Centre des congrès de Québec. A bientot!

2018 Divisional Annual General Meeting

on Mon, 05/28/2018 - 17:07

The 2018 Annual General Meeting for the CSC Inorganic Division is scheduled for Wednesday, May 30th at the Shaw Conference Centre in Edmonton from 18:00-19:00 in Salon 02. See you there!

La réunion générale annuelle de la Inorganic Division de la Société Canadienne de Chimie sera mercredi le 30 mai dans le salon 02 du Shaw Conference Centre. a Edmonton. A bientot!

2017 Divisional Annual General Meeting

on Tue, 05/30/2017 - 17:10

The 2017 Annual General Meeting for the CSC Inorganic Division is scheduled for Wednesday, May 31st at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre from 17:40-19:00 in Room 203A. See you there!

La réunion générale annuelle de la Inorganic Division de la Société Canadienne de Chimie sera mercredi le 31 mai dans la salle 203A du Metro Toronto Convention Centre. A bientot!

2016 Divisional Annual General Meeting

on Mon, 06/06/2016 - 12:59

The annual AGM for the CSC Inorganic Division is scheduled for Wednesday, June 8th at the Halifax World Trade and Convention Centre from 17:40-19:00 in Suite 302. We'll see you there!

La réunion générale annuelle de la Inorganic Division de la Société Canadienne de Chimie sera mercredi le 8 juin dans la salle 302 du Halifax World Trade and Convention Centre durant la conférence CSC2015. A bientot!

Dalton 2016 - Call for 5+5+5 Proposals

on Mon, 08/24/2015 - 20:08

Would you like to initiate a new and lasting collaboration between inorganic chemists in Canada, the US, and the UK? Here may be your opportunity. We are looking for 5 sets of people, each containing 1 Canadian, 1 US and 1 UK based researcher in any area of inorganic chemistry to take part in a 5+5+5 meeting at the Dalton 2016 meeting to be held in Warwick, UK 29th – 31st March 2016.

The scheme is designed to initiate new collaborations and preference will be given to groups of people where diversity (age, gender, ethnicity, etc) has been taken into account. An attempt will also be made to cover a wide range of inorganic chemistry in the selected collaborations.

Since the scheme is intended to build lasting collaborations, we shall require a report after 1 year in which the following should be addressed:

  • Joint Publications
  • Joint Editorships
  • Joint proposals
  • Joint successful proposals
  • Exchanges of personnel between the groups
  • New joint projects 
  • Reflections on how the scheme operated (application process, in Warwick and afterwards)
  • Suggestions for improvement

Please fill in the form and submit it by 30th September, 2015 to Successful applicants (UK members to be sponsored by the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Dalton Division, US members to be sponsored in part by an IPG grant currently pending, Inorganic Division of the CSC support currently pending and individual contributions)  will be informed by 31st October, 2015.
